About Dr. Liang
Dr. Liang is a NY state licensed and NCCAOM certified acupuncturist, and has been practicing in western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for about thirty-five years. He treats a wide variety of conditions, and specializes in ENT disorders, Men’s healthcare, Sports injuries and common chronic pains, the heritage skills largely from his father and grandfather who were TCM masters in his hometown.
For 35 years, Dr. Liang MD/PhD was a practicing physician at two top hospitals in China. As a result, Dr. Liang possesses rich clinical experiences and a deep understanding of human physiology and anatomy. In addition, Dr. Liang has extensive physiology research background in multiple fields at multiple prestigious US Institutions, from coding sensory inputs in auditory cortex to decoding pain inputs in VPL, as well as the mechanism of dyskinesia in Parkinson’s condition (Johns Hopkins University, Emery University and Stony brook University). Therefore he has numerous publications.

As Dr. Liang practice medicine, he started to notice that often patients would show up with symptoms of illnesses that are not severe enough to warrant medical attention but at the same time significant enough to cause suffering. These patients are deemed “not medical necessary” and turned away, until symptoms eventually manifests into a more severe form that require acute medical attention. These illnesses are known as "sub-health" conditions/status (SHS) or suboptimal conditions, exist in a limbo between criteria of healthy and ill and deemed untreatable or not worth treating, can cause patient prolonged suffering if left unchecked. For instance, men’s health problems such as certain men’s sexual issues, chronic pains such as joint and lower back pain could partially be categorized as SHS, and have no effective means of long term resolution. Acupuncture, with support of research evidences, has shown to be effective in treating many of the sub-health conditions, and with no accompanying side-effects like traditional chemical based medical treatments. 

About Acupuncture

What acupuncture tech do we use?

The styles of Acupuncture in our office are Chinese acupuncture and Tung’s acupuncture which the TCM five elements theory would be based. Some other styles of acupuncture such as Auricular Acupuncture & Scalp Acupuncture may use if necessary.

How does it work?

The classical Chinese explanation is that the body’s meridians are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissues.  An obstruction in the movement of these energy rivers is like a dam that blocks the energy which leads to stagnation.
The meridians can be influenced by inserting very fine acupuncture needles into the network of points; the acupuncture needles unblock the obstructions, and reestablish the regular flow through the meridians. Acupuncture treatments help the body’s internal organs to correct imbalances in digestion, absorption, and energy production activities, and in the circulation of energy through the meridians.

The Western scientific explanation is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body’s own internal regulating system.

The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture results in stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being. This makes acupuncture an important element of preventative medicine, as well as curative treatment. In addition to improving overall health, below is listed just some of the common ailments treatable by acupuncture:
Digestive disorders: gastritis, hyperacidity, spastic colon, IBS, constipation, diarrhea.
Respiratory disorders: common cold, sinusitis, flu, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, seasonal allergies, recurrent chest infections.
Neurological and muscular disorders: headaches, facial tics, neck pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, various forms of tendonitis, carpal tunnel, back pain, sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia.

Urinary and reproductive problems: bladder infections enlarged prostate, kidney infections, infertility.

In our office, our strengths can be summarized into the following categories:
For more information, please click interested category for further details.

For those female patients who are seeking acupuncture services, at the same location, Dr. Wang is highly recommended. please Check out her website for further information.